Pulling the Plug: The First Week

Day Eight:
There still hasn't been any fits or winning although my son thinks it unfair he can't have television and his iTouch (it may be returned to him when his grades improve). We all report catching ourselves thinking we'll turn on the set and then remember . . .  then there is a tinge of frustration at that moment.

Also, since we are having guest over tomorrow for a Fat Saturday party, we need to do something with the TV Hole. Any ideas?
The hole where the TV and Xbox used to be.

All report time spent reading is markedly up. I know I've finished two books since last week. (See my Goodreads progress here.)

When we are together and the homework and showers are done we play Jinga. Its surprising how compelling that game is. Will it fall when she takes it out or not? Can I pull this piece out or am I out with a crash? Ten days ago I was playing with a gaming system so powerful, so sophisticated we're forbidden to sell them to nations on a watch list, now we spend our time with little pieces of wood and having - dare I say it - just as much fun and since its with the whole family its more fun.

My wife and I have noticed a thoughtfulness or a deliberate slowing down when doing tasks. We take the time to do it right. Stuff is put away the right way. Little cleaning project get done on the fly. When our children are talking to us we look them in the eye and hear what they are saying. I guess ten days ago we just wanted to get back to our program or game.

Oh, and reports are that laughing is up one hundred percent.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good. Keep the reports coming. I totally salute you guys!
